Thursday, August 1, 2013

July 2013 Favorites!

I am an avid watcher of Beauty Guru’s on YouTube. For those who are not, a common video within the community are monthly favorites in which the Gurus show off their favorite products of the month, pretty self-explanatory. Well I thought it would be fun to post my monthly favorites or current favorites here on my blog! I will have a variety of categories from music, food, site, app, movie or TV show. Here is my list of things I’ve enjoyed all July.

How I Met Your Mother. I was sick at the beginning of the month and turned to my beloved Netflix to keep me company. I have been an avid watcher of the show from the first season. I was pretty disappointed with the last season and the show in general so I decided to watch it from the beginning and fell in love with the show all over again. If you don’t watch it already, catch up on the first 7 seasons on Netflix! It is a brilliant TV show. It is a comedy but they know how to pull at your heartstrings. If the writing doesn’t do it for you, it has a phenomenal cast, including my crush Neil Patrick Harris. I’m so excited for the final season this fall!

Pinterest. This website is my crack. If you don’t have enough social media sites to waste your day on, check this one out! I use the app on my phone and I’m completely addicted. The way it works is you create boards on your page and can pin pages relating to food, crafting, wedding ideas, and fashion, basically everything under the sun. I get the greatest ideas and inspiration. Check out my page here:

Castle Story. I love games of all kinds. Castle Story is a free iPhone app where you create your own kingdom and mend to your buildings and animals and slowly expand your area with challenges you complete along the way. Definitely check it out if you’re looking for a new game!

American Eagle. Currently, this is my favorite clothing store. I have made two big online purchases and well as a trip to the store within the last two months. I’m obsessed. They have the cutest clothes and the best quality denim. Their sales are amazing. It is the best time to shop there. 

Yoga. My best friend started taking yoga classes this last semester at her university. While she’s been home for the summer we have been taking classes at a local studio. It is a great way to get in tune with your body and to let go. I struggle with stress and anxiety and I have found yoga incredible in helping me relax and learn how to focus and treat my body. At this particular studio, I don’t know if every studio is like this, but we end every class by laying on our back in the dark while the instructor telling us a story or kind of a life lesson to take away. Every single session has been related to what I was dealing with in my life. I love Yoga and will continue to practice it.

What have you been loving this month? 

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