Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A 2013 Recap and 2014 Resolutions

2013 was probably the hardest year of my life. I lost my Aunt and experienced the first death of a loved one Christmas Day 2012. 2013 was filled with guilt, sobbing fests, and days were I just couldn’t face the world. To be quite honest, I’m ready for 2013 to be over. Christmas this year was the anniversary of her death. I tried to put that out of my mind and spend time with my happy and healthy family. It creped up a lot but I had a wonderful holiday filled with laughter, mimosas and hugs. A lot of good came out of 2013. I turned 21. I was surrounded by love and support of my family and friends. I got accepted to college for the first time! And I met a new part of my family, the only good thing to come out of my Aunt’s passing. 2013 taught me to appreciate my friends and family because they aren’t always going to be there. I learned to think in a different mindset and protect my heart. I want to be happier, healthier, and more giving.

2014 Resolutions

Write more. After my Aunt passed away I started a journal and wrote everyday until about May. I want to start journaling again. It was really therapeutic and really seemed to help. Also write more blog entries. Even if no one reads them.

Maintain a healthier lifestyle. I know I know its clique. I don’t want to lose a certain amount of pounds. I just want to get out of the house more. Eat better and really allow my body to thrive on what it needs. I want to feel good about myself, physically and mentally and emotionally

Get a 4.0 the last semester at community college. I really want to end my journey there on a high.

Read more. At least an hour a day. Making a goal of reading 20 books this year!

Re-read Series of Unfortunate Events. I fell in love with children’s literature from a course I took this semester.

Watch less TV. It’s my happy place and comfort zone and I want to try and not rely on it so much.

There’s my recap of 2013 and some of my 2014 Resolutions! Hope you all had a great 2013 and an even better 2014. Share some of your resolutions below!

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